Is scooting along the floor or biting their bottom a sign of issues with anal glands?
January 19th 2021
Scooting bottoms along the floor or biting their bottoms could be a sign of a problem with a dog’s anal glands.
Anal glands are little sacks that sit just inside the anus. These are scent sacks which are used to provide information to other dogs. Usually, when a dog goes for a poo, a little bit of the liquid from the sack is expressed out too. Sometimes, this doesn’t happen, which means they’re not self emptying which can cause the dog to become uncomfortable. Common signs and symptoms of this are scooting their bottoms along the floor, turning around to bite at their bottom, wanting to sit down in haste and generally seem quite uncomfortable around their back end.
Preventative measures to help stop this becoming an issue include:
- Weight Management – when your pet is overweight they can have a problem with anal glands.
- Increase Fiber – adding additional fiber to their diet firms up their poo. Firmer poos help express the anal glands naturally and without intervention.
If your dog suffers from anal gland issues there are different things your vet can do. The simplest being to empty the sacks. It’s an easy procedure and shouldn’t be painful for your dog.
If the problem is left untreated, the anal glands can become infected which can become really painful for your pet. The infection will need to be treated first, so antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication will be needed before the anal glands can be emptied. Sometimes, it’s necessary for the anal glands to be flushed out and can require a small procedure.
If your pet has anal gland issues often, your vet may speak to you about removing the sacks completely to avoid further infections and discomfort. This is decision is made on a case by case basis.
If you’re worried your dog is suffering from anal gland issues, please contact your local vet.