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Have a dog over 7 years old? - They qualify for FREE membership to our Senior Dog Club

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Our Calorie Calculator is having a makeover, check back in a few days for an update. If you're subscribed to our newsletter we'll send out an announcement when it's live.


What our customers are saying:


"My English Springer Spaniel, Bertie will be fourteen years old this year and is now beginning to show his age in terms of his mobility. He developed osteoarthritis in both of his hips and I have been trying a number of different dog foods designed for older dogs and have ended up using Vet's Kitchen Senior. This together with his medication seems to have helped Bertie to lead a more comfortable life."


— Steve Watson


"I'm really pleased to say Binny thrived on this diet and has grown into a happy, healthy adult dog."

— Binny & Katie